Thank you to all those that signed proclamations in past years!
Cities, counties, states, universities and government groups took action in 2022.
Albany, NY | Baltimore, MD |Bloomfield, CT | Boise, ID | Boulder, CO| Boston, MA | Chicago, IL | Colombus, OH | Colorado Springs, CO | Dallas, TX | Dubuque, IA |Dupage County, IL | Fayetteville, AR | Fitchburg, WI |Fremont, CA |Illinois | Indiana | Jefferson Hills Borough, PA | Kane County, IL| Kansas | Kansas City, MO | Lafayette, CO |Los Alamos County, NM | Madison, WI | Middletown Township, PA | Milwaukee, WI | Michigan | Mississippi | Nederland, CO | Nevada| New Orleans, LA | North Carolina | Pittsburgh, PA | Pueblo, CO| Reno, NV | Rhode Island | Santa Monica, CA| Shrewsbury, MA | St. Louis, MO | St. Paul, MN | Sun Prairie, WI | US. Senate| Vermont | West Chester Borough, PA | West Chester University, PA | West Hollywood, CA | Will County, IL | Winooski, VT |
Cities, counties, states, universities and government groups took action in 2021.
Albuquerque, NM | Atglen Borough, PA | Baltimore, MD | Bloomfield, CT | Boise, ID | Boston, MA |Chester County, PA | Colombus, OH |Connecticut | Dallas, TX |Delaware County, PA | Des Moines, IA | Dubuque, IA | Durham, NC | East Peoria, IL |Fairfax County, VA | Falls Church, VA | Fitchburg, WI |Florida | Fort Collins, CO | Fremont, CA | Hawaii | Harrisburg, PA |Henderson, NV | Honolulu, HI |Honolulu County, HI | Houston, TX | Indiana | Jefferson Hills Borough, PA |Kane County, IL | Kansas City, MO |Kentucky | Madison, NJ | Madison, WI | Manhattan Beach, CA |Massachusetts | Mesa, AZ |Michigan | Milwaukie, OR | Minneapolis, MN |Missouri |Mississippi | Montgomery County, MD |New Hampshire |Nevada |North Carolina | Orange County, FL |Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, PA | Pittsburgh, PA |Rhode Island | Richmond, VA |Royal Oak, MI | St. Paul, MN | San Luis Obispo, CA | San Jose, CA | Shaker Heights, OH | Sioux Falls, SD |Somerset County, NJ | Sun Prairie, WI | Takoma Park, MD | West Chester University, PA | West Chester Borough, PA | West Hartford, CT | Westtown Township, PA | Will County, IL | Wisconsin
Cities, counties, states, universities and government groups took action in 2020.
Alabama | Alaska | Apex, NC | Arizona | Arkansas | Bainbridge Island, WA | Boynton Beach, FL | Breckenridge, CO | California | Cincinnati, OH | Colorado | Columbus, GA | Connecticut | Delaware | Des Moines, IA | Fairfax County, VA | Falls Church, VA | Fayetteville, AK | Florida | Georgia | Harrisburg, PA | Hawaii | Henderson, NV | Honolulu (City and County) | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Indianapolis | Iowa | Kane County, IL | Kansas | Kansas City, MO | Kentucky | Lancaster, CA | Louisiana | Louisville | Madison, WI | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Overland Park, KS | Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh, PA | Rhode Island | Roeland Park, KS | Royal Oak, MI | St. Louis, MO | South Carolina | South Dakota | St. Louis Park, MN | St. Petersburg, FL | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | Washington D.C. | West Chester Borough, PA | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyandotte and Kansas City, KS | Wynnewood | Wyoming | U.S. Senate
Cities, counties, states, universities and government groups took action in 2019.
City of Asheville, North Carolina| Bowie, Maryland | Chicago, Illinois | Clearwater, Florida | Commonwealth of Massachusetts | Commonwealth of Virginia | Delaware County, Pennsylvania | Downington, Pennsylvania | Durham, North Carolina | Fairfax County, Virginia | Falls Church, Virginia | Fayetteville, Arkansas | Green Bay, Wisconsin | Holland, Michigan | Honolulu, Hawaii | Juneau, Alaska | Madison, Wisconsin | Miami, Florida | Minneapolis, Minnesota | Orlando, Florida | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |Roeland Park, Kansas | Royal Oak, Michigan | Somerville, New Jersey | State of California | State of Florida | State of Hawaii | State of Michigan | State of North Carolina | State of Ohio | State of Pennsylvania | State of Rhode Island | State of South Carolina | State of Wisconsin | Tacoma, Washington | Takoma Park, Maryland | U.S. Senate Resolution Washington D.C. | West Chester, Pennsylvania | Williamsburg, Virginia | Village of Evansville, IL
Cities, counties, states, universities and government groups took action in 2018.
City of Albuquerque, New Mexico | City of Asheville, North Carolina | City of Atlanta, Georgia | City of Austin, Texas | City of Birmingham, Alabama | City of Boston, Massachusetts | City of Boynton Beach, Florida | City of Boulder, Colorado | City of Bowie, Maryland | City of Brookhaven, Georgia | Brooklyn Borough, New York | City of Cambridge, Massachusetts | Carson City, Nevada | City of Charlotte, North Carolina | City of Chattanooga, Tennessee | Clark County, Nevada | City of Cleveland, Ohio | City of Columbus, Georgia | City of Dallas, Texas | Dane County, Wisconsin | City of Decatur, Georgia | City and County of Durham, North Carolina | City of Englewood, Colorado | City of Fayetteville, Arkansas | Fairfax County, Virginia | City of Gainesville, Florida | City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania | State of Hawai’i | City of Henderson, Nevada | City of Hyattsville, Maryland | State of Indiana | State of Kansas | City of Knoxville, Tennessee | City of Lafayette, California | City of Los Angeles, California | Los Angeles County, California | City of Madison, Wisconsin | Massachusetts House of Representatives | State of Michigan | Montgomery County, Maryland | State of North Carolina | City of North Las Vegas, Nevada | City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | City of Reno, Nevada | San Luis Obispo County, California | State of South Dakota | Somerset County, New Jersey | City of South Miama, Florida | City of St. Louis, Missouri | City of St. Petersburg, Florida | City of Tacoma, Washington | City of Tallahassee, Florida | Virginia Wesleyan University | State of Washington | City of West Hollywood, California | State of Wisconsin | Xavier University of Louisiana | U.S. Senate
Cities, counties, states, and government groups took action in 2017.
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